The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume IX. From Steele and Addison to Pope and Swift.
- N
OTE. Pope’s own methods of publication were so various and intricate, and the number of books, pamphlets and articles dealing with his life and writings is so very great, that in no part of this bibliography can more than a selection be presented. - I. MSS.
- The originals and early copies of many of Pope’s letters are in existence, an important circumstance, since the correspondence for whose publication he himself was responsible was most elaborately doctored. The British Museum has the copies which Caryll made of Pope’s letters to himself, letters of Pope to Allen, Sir Hans Sloane and Warburton, and letters from some of Pope’s correspondents, on the backs of which he wrote his translation of Homer. Wycherley’s letters to Pope and letters of Pope to the earl of Oxford are in the possession of the marquis of Bath at Longleat. The Bodleian has letters of Pope to Cromwell. Letters to Martha and Teresa Blount are at Mapledurham. Letters to lord Bathurst are in the Bathurst collection. Letters to the earl of Orrery are in the possession of the earl of Cork. Mr. John Murray has Pope’s letters to Broome. Other letters of Pope and a few books with his autograph notes are preserved. See preface to vol.
IX of Courthope’s edition. - The MSS. of some of Pope’s poems (the Pastorals, An Essay on Man, the Epistle to Arbuthnot, etc.) were given by him to Jonathan Richardson and passed into the Chauncy collection. The British Museum has the original MSS. of the translations of Homer presented by Mallet, written largely on scraps of paper and the backs of envelopes.
- II. C
OLLECTED EDITIONS - A. In Pope’s Lifetime
- The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope. B. Lintot. 1717.
- The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. Vol.
II. L. Gilliver. 1735. - The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. With explanatory notes and additions never before published. 9 vols. 1735–42. Vol.
II, 1735; vol. 1, 1736. [Vols.III–IX. ] - B. Later Collected Editions
- The Works of Alexander Pope. With his last corrections, additions and improvements, as they were delivered to the Editor a little before his death.… Together with the commentaries and notes of Mr. Warburton. 9 vols. 1751. [Warburton’s Critical and Philosophical Commentary on Mr. Pope’s Essay on Man had been published in 1742.]
- Works. With remarks and illustrations by Wakefield, Gilbert. Vol. 1. 1794.
- —— With notes and illustrations by J. Warton and others. 9 vols. 1797.
- Works, in verse and prose. Containing the principal notes of Drs. Warburton and Warton; illustrations and critical and explanatory remarks by Johnson, Wakefield, A. Chalmers … and others. To which are added, now first published, some original letters; with additional observations, and memoirs of the life of the author. By W. L. Bowles. 10 vols. 1806.
- Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, edited by Carruthers, R. New edn. revised. 2 vols. 1858.
- Poetical Works, edited, with notes and introductory memoir, by Ward, A. W. (The Globe Edition.) 1869 ff.
- Works. Edited by Elwin, Whitwell and Courthope, W. J. New Edition. Including several hundred unpublished letters, and other new materials. Collected in part by Croker, J. W. With Introduction and Notes. 10 vols. 1871–89.
- A Supplement to the Works of Alexander Pope, containing such poems, letters, &c., as are omitted in the edition published by Dr. Warburton. 1757.
- Additions to the Works of Alexander Pope … with many poems and letters of contemporary writers never before published. 2 vols. 1776.
- A supplementary volume to the Works of Alexander Pope containing pieces of poetry, not inserted in Warburton’s and Warton’s edition; and a collection of letters, now first published. 1807.
- III. P
OEMS - Pastorals. In Poetical Miscellanies, the sixth part. Tonson. 1709. [A Discourse on Pastoral Poetry was not prefixed to them until the collected vol. of 1717.]
- An Essay on Criticism. 1711.
- The Rape of the Lock. In Miscellaneous Poems and Translations. By several Hands. B. Lintot. 1712. An heroi-comical poem. In five canto’s. Written by Mr. Pope. B. Lintot. 1714.
- To a Young Lady, with the works of Voiture. In Miscellaneous Poems, etc. B. Lintot. 1712.
- Messiah. A sacred Eclogue, compos’d of several Passages of Isaiah the Prophet. Written in Imitation of Virgil’s Pollio. The Spectator, No. 378. 14 May, 1712.
- Windsor Forest. To the Right Honourable George Lord Landsdown. B. Lintot. 1713.
- Ode for Musick (on St. Cecilia’s Day). B. Lintot. 1713.
- To Mr. Jervas with Dryden’s translation of Fresnoy’s Art of Painting. In De Arte Graphica. The Art of Painting … translated into English.… By Mr. Dryden. As also a short account of the most eminent painters.… By another hand [i. e. Richard Graham]. 2nd edn. 1716.
- Epigrams and the Court Ballad. In The Parson’s Daughter. A tale for the use of pretty girls with small fortunes. To which are added Epigrams, and the Court Ballad, by Mr. Pope. 1717.
- Elegy to the memory of an Unfortunate Lady and Eloisa to Abelard were published for the first time in the Works of 1717, as was also the Epistle following that To a Young Lady (afterwards named as Miss Blount) with the Works of Voiture, entitled To the Same on her leaving the town after the Coronation.
- To Mr. Addison, occasioned by his Dialogues on Medals. In Tickell’s edition of Addison’s Works. 1721.
- To the Right Hon. Robert, Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer. Dedicatory Epistle prefixed to Poems on Several Occasions. Written by Dr. Thomas Parnell … and published by Mr. Pope. 1722.
- Imitations of English Poets. In Miscellaneous. 1727.
- The Imitation of lord Rochester had appeared in Lintot’s Miscellany, 1712.
- The Dunciad. An heroic poem. In three books. Dublin; reprinted, London, for A. Dodd, 1728. The Dunciad Variorum. With the Prolegomena of Scriblerus. Printed for A. Dod. 1729. The New Dunciad: as it was found in the year 1741. With the illustrations of Scriblerus and notes variorum. T. Cooper. 1742. The Dunciad, in four books. Printed according to the complete copy found in the year 1742 … to which are added several notes now first publish’d, the Hypercritics of Aristarchus, and his Dissertation on the Hero of the Poem. M. Cooper. 1743.
- The Dying Christian to his Soul. Lewis’s Miscellany. 1730.
- An Epistle to the Right Honourable Richard Earl of Burlington. Occasion’d by his publishing alladio’s Designs of the Baths, Arches, Theatres, & c., of Ancient Rome. By Mr. Pope. L. Gilliver. 1731. Afterwards called Of False Taste and finally Of the Use of Riches, the same title as the Epistle to Bathurst.
- Of the Use of Riches, an Epistle to the Right Honourable Allen Lord Bathurst. L. Gilliver. 1732.
- An Epistle to the Right Honourable Richard Lord Visct. Cobham. (Of the Knowledge and Characters of men.) L. Gilliver. 1733.
- Of the Characters of Women: an Epistle to a Lady. L. Gilliver. 1735.
- An Essay on Man. Addressed to a Friend. Part 1. J. Wilford. [1733.] In Epistles to a Friend. Epistle
II [1733]; EpistleIII [1733]; EpistleIV [1734]. - The Universal Prayer. By the author of the Essay on Man. 1738.
- The First Satire of the second book of Horace, imitated in a Dialogue between Alexander Pope of Twickenham … on the one part, and his learned Councel on the other. 1733.
- An Epistle from Mr. Pope to Dr. Arbuthnot. L. Gilliver. 1734 (published 2 Jan., 1735).
- The earliest version of the character of Addison finally incorporated in the Epistle to Arbuthnot) appeared in St. James’s Journal, 15 Dec., 1722. (See Aitken, G. A., The Academy, 9 Feb., 1889.)
- Sober Advice from Horace to the Young Gentlemen about Town, as delivered in his Second Sermon. Imitated in the Manner of Mr. Pope. [1734.]
- The second Satire of the second book of Horace. 1734 (in an edn. of Sat.
II i, L. Gilliver). - The Sixth Epistle of the First Book of Horace, imitated by Mr. Pope. Gilliver. 1737.
- The first Epistle of the second book of Horace imitated. T. Cooper. 1737.
- The second Epistle of the second book of Horace. 1737.
- One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Eight. A dialogue something like Horace. Dial. 1, T. Cooper, Dial.
II, R. Dodsley. 1738. - Horace, Book 1, Epistle
VII, Imitated in the manner of Dr. Swift and the latter part of BookII, SatireVI, were published in 1738 in the octavo edn. of Pope’s Works. - 1740. A Poem. [This fragment was first printed in Warton’s edition.]
- Verses upon the late D——ss of M——. By Mr. P——. 1746. [A folio sheet containing the character of Atossa, which had been included in Ep.
II in the edition of the Ethic Epistles left by Pope printed for publication. This edn. was suppressed by Bolingbroke’s influence and the presentation copies recalled with the exception, apparently, of one only, now in Brit. Mus. This sheet, containing the character, was published, it would seem, by Bolingbroke or his agent (see Courthope’s Life, p. 347) with an injurious note mentioning that Pope received £1000 from the duchess to suppress the lines.] - IV. P
OETICAL TRANSLATIONS - The first book of Sta ius’s Thebais. In Lintot’s Miscellany. 1712.
- Vertumnus and Pomona. From the fourteenth book of Ovid’s Metamorphoses. In Lintot’s Miscellany. 1712.
- Sappho to Phaon. In Ovid’s Epistles translated by several hands. 8th edn. Tonson. 1712.
- The Fable of Dryope. From the ninth book of Ovid’s Metamorphoses. In the same.
- January and May: or, the Merchant’s Tale. From Chaucer. In Poetic Miscellanies, the sixth part. Tonson. 1709.
- The Wife of Bath, her Prologue. From Chaucer. In Poetical Miscellanies, consisting of original poems and translations. By the best hands. Publish’d by Mr. Steele. 1714.
- The Temple of Fame: a vision. B. Lintot. 1715.
- The Iliad of Homer (published by Bernard Lintot). Vol. 1, 1715; vol.
II, 1716; vol.III, 1717; vol.IV, 171[char]; vols.V andVI, 1720. - The episode of Sarpedon, from the twelfth and sixteenth books of Homer’s Iliad, appeared in Poetic Miscellanies, the sixth part. Tonson. 1709.
- The Odyssey of Homer. Vols. –
III, 1725; vols.IV, V, 1726. - A translation of the arrival of Ulysses in Ithaca from the 13th Odyssey and of the garden of Alcinous from the 7th app ared in Steele’s Miscellany. 1714.
- The Satires of Dr. John Donne, versified. Satire
II and SatireIV were published in vol.II of Pope’s Works, 1735. - The Impertinent, or A Visit to the Court. A Satire. By an Eminent Hand [in great part the same as Satire
IV of the above]. 1733. - V. P
ROSE (including Letters) - The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope in Prose. Vol. 1, 1737; vol.
II, 1741. - The Guardian, No. 4, 16 March, 1713 (Dedications). No. 11 (An elixir that confers an agreeable madness). No. 40 (Pastorals). [Ironical comparison between Ambrose Philips and Pope.] No. 61 (Cruelty to Animals). [Leigh Hunt has emphasised Pope’s kindness for animals in his Imaginary Conversations of Pope and Swift.] Nos. 91 and 92 (The Club of little men). No. 173, 29 Sept., 1713 (Gardens).
- The Narrative of Dr. Robert Norris, concerning the strange and deplorable Frenzy of Mr. J. Denn—an officer in the Custom-House. 1713.
- A Key to the Lock; or a Treatise proving beyond all contradiction the dangerous tendency of a late poem intituled, the Rape of the Lock … by Esdras Barnivelt. 1715.
- A full and true Account of a horrid and barbarous Revenge by poison, on the body of Mr. Edmund Curll, Bookseller, with a faithful copy of his last Will and Testament. 1716.
- Three Hours after Marriage; a comedy. 1717. [Arbuthnot and Pope assisted Gay in writing this.]
- Miscellanies [by Pope, Swift, Arbuthnot and Gay]. Vols. 1 and
II, 1727; vol.III, 1728; vol.IV, 1732. [Contains verse as well as prose.] - Familiar Letters written to Henry Cromwell, Esq., by Mr. Pope. In Curll’s Miscellanea, in two volumes. Never before published. 1727 (really 1726).
- Letters of Mr. Pope and several eminent persons. 2 vols. 1735.
- See A Narrative of the method by which Mr. Pope’s private letters were procured and published by Edmund Curll, bookseller, 1735.
- Letters of Mr. Alexander Pope, and several of his Friends. 1737. [The acknowledged edition, printed for J. Knapton and others.]
- The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope, in Prose. Vol.
II. 1741. [Printed for Knapton and others. Contains, besides further letters, the Memoirs of Scriblerus and other tracts written by Pope either singly or in conjunction with his friends.] - The Dublin editions of Letters to and from Dr. J. Swift appear to have been published after vol.
II mentioned above. - A Collection of Letters, never before printed; written by Alexander Pope and other ingenious gentlemen to the late Aaron Hill. 1751.
- Supplemental Volume to the Works of Alexander Pope. 1825. [Containing a considerable addition to his private correspondence.]
- The Works of Shakespear … collated and corrected by the former editions, by Mr. Pope. Tonson. 1725.
- VI. A
NNOTATED EDITIONS OF SEPARATE WORKS - Essay on Criticism. Ed., with introduction and notes, West, A. S. Cambridge, 1896. Ed., with introduction and notes, Collins, J. Churton. 1896. Ed., with introduction and notes, Ryland, F. 1900.
- Essay on Man. Ed. Pattison, Mark. Oxford, 1869. 2nd edn. 1872.
- Satires and Epistles. Ed. Pattison, Mark. Oxford, 1872. 2nd edn. 1874.
- The Iliad of Homer. Translated by Alexander Pope, Esq. A new edition, with additional notes, critical and illustrative, by Wakefield, Gilbert. 5 vols. 1806.
- The Odyssey of Homer. Translated by Alexander Pope, Esq. A new edition, etc. by Wakefield, Gilbert, 4 vols. 1806.
- The Ra e of the Lock. Ed., with introduction and notes, Ryland, F. 1899. The Rape of the Lock and other poems. Ed., with introduction and notes, Parrott, T. M. Boston (U. S. A.), 1906. Illustrated edn. by Beardsley, Aubrey. 1896.
- VII. B
IOGRAPHY - The early lives of Pope, two anon. in 1744, those under the names of Ayre, W., 1745, Dilworth, W. H., 1759, have no value. Owen Ruffhead’s, 1769, has some unpublished letters and material supplied by Warburton.
- Carruthers, R. The Life of Alexander Pope, including Extracts from his Correspondence … Second edition. 1857.
- Courthope, W. J. The Life of Alexander Pope. 1889. Vol.
V of Elwin and Courthope’s edition of Pope’s Works. - Davies, Robert. Pope: Additional Facts concerning his Maternal Ancestry. 1858.
- Dilke, Charles Wentworth. The Papers of a Critic. Vol. 1. 1875. [Papers rptd. from the Athenaeum and Notes and Queries in which D. had investigated various problems connected with the publication and arrangement of Pope’s correspondence, and the facts of his biography.]
- Hunter, Joseph. Pope: His Descent and Family Connections. 1857. No.
V of Hunter’s Critical and Historical Tracts. [See Dilke, C. W., in Athenaeum, 21 Nov., 1857; Papers of a Critic, vol. 1, 234.] - Johnson, Samuel. Prefaces, biographical and critical, to the Works of the English Poets. 1779–81. See Hill, G. Birkbeck’s edn. of Johnson’s Lives, vol.
III, Oxford, 1905. - Paston, George (Symonds, Miss E. M.). Mr. Pope: his Life and Times. 2 vols. 1909. [Unpublished letters in the Mapledurham collection and elsewhere are utilised in this work.]
- Richardson, Jonathan, the younger. Richardsoniana: or occasional reflections on the moral nature of man … with several anecdotes interspersed. 1776.
- Spence, Joseph. Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters, of Books and Men. Collected from the Conversation of Mr. Pope, and other Eminent Persons of his time. Now first published … by Samuel Weller Singer. 1820. [The edn. published on the same day by Murray with Malone’s notes is only a selection.] Rptd. 1858.
- Stephen, Sir Leslie. Alexander Pope. English Men of Letters. 1880.
- Pope Commemoration, 1888. Loan Museum Catalogue of the books, autographs, paintings and personal relics exhibited in the Town Hall, Twickenham. Edited by Tedder, H. R. (with an introductory poem by Dobson, Austin). (See sec.
IX, post.) 1888. - VIII. C
ONTEMPORARY CRITICISM, CONTROVERSY AND PERSONALITIES - Addison, Joseph. The Spectator, No. 253, 20 December, 1711. (Notice of An Essay on Criticism.)
- Dennis, John. Reflections upon a late rhapsody called An Essay upon Criticism. B. Lintot. [1711.]
- Homerides, or, a letter to Mr. Pope occasion’d by his intended translation of Homer by Sir Iliad Doggrel [Thomas Burnet]. 1715.
- Mist’s Weekly Journal. 1716–28.
- Dennis, John. A true character of Mr. Pope. [1717.]
- —— Remarks upon Mr. Pope’s translation of Homer. With two letters concerning Windsor Forest, and the Temple of Fame. 1717.
- Spence, Joseph. An Essay on Pope’s Odyssey: in which some particular Beauties and Blemishes of that work are considered. London and Oxford, 1726.
- Spence’s chief critical work, Polymetis: or an Enquiry concerning the agreement between the Works of the Roman Poets and the Remains of the Antient Artists, appeared in 1747. As to his Account of Stephen Duck and other lesser publications, see Garnett, R., art. Spence, in D. of N. B. vol.
LIII. - Theobald, Lewis. Shakespeare Restored: or, a Specimen of the many Errors, as well committed, as unamended by Mr. Pope, in his late Edition of this Poet.… 1726.
- Dennis, John. Remarks on Mr. Pope’s Rape of the Lock. 1728.
- Gulliveriana: or, a fourth volume of miscellanies, being a sequel of the three volumes published by Pope and Swift. To which is added, Alexanderiana; or a comparison between the Ecclesiastical and Poetical Pope. 1728. [By Jonathan Smedley, whose name was in consequence substituted in 1729 for Eusden’s in Dunciad,
II, 291.] - Dennis, John. Remarks upon several passages in the preliminaries to the Dunciad … 1729.
- One Epistle to Mr. A. Pope, occasion’d by Two Epistles lately published [i.e. Two Epistles to Mr. Pope, Concerning the Authors of the Age. 1730. (By Young)]. [Supposed to be by Welsted, Leonard and Smythe, James Moore.]
- The Grub-Street Journal. 1730–8.
- A Collection of Pieces in verse and prose, which have been publish’d on occasion of the Dunciad. By Mr. Savage. 1732.
- An Epistle from a Nobleman to a Doctor of Divinity: in answer to a Latin Letter in verse. Written from H[ampto] n-C[our]t. 1733. [By John lord Hervey.]
- Verses addressed to the imitator of the First Satire of the Second Book of Horace. By a Lady. [1733. By lady Mary Wortley Montagu, assisted, probably, by lord Hervey.]
- (Mallet, David.) Of Verbal Criticism. An Epistle to Mr. Pope; occasioned by Theobald’s Shakespear and Bentley’s Milton. 1733. [In verse.]
- Crousaz, J. P. de. Examen de l’Essai de M. Pope. 173.
- —— Commentaire sur la traduction de l’Essai de M. Pope. 1738.
- Warburton replied in five letters (afterwards expanded to six) in the Works of the Learned, 1738, 1739; collected in book form in 1740. Another letter was afterwards added, and a rearrangement in four letters published in 1742.
- A Letter from Mr. Cibber to Mr. Pope, inquiring into the motives that might induce him in his satyrical works, to be so frequently fond of Mr. Cibber’s name. 1742.
- Another occasional Letter from Mr. Cibber to Mr. Pope, Wherein the new hero’s preferment to his throne in the Dunciad seems not to be accepted. 1744.
- IX. L
- Abbott, Edwin. A Concordnace to the Works of Alexander Pope. With an introduction. 1875. [The introduction deals with Pope’s style and metre.]
- Beljame, A. Le Public et les Hommes de Lettres en Angleterre au dix-huitième siècle (1660–1744). Paris, 1881.
- Coleridge, S. T. Biographia Literaria. 1817.
- Conington, John. The Poetry of Pope. Oxford Essays. 1858. Rptd. in vol. 1 of his Miscellaneous Works, 1872.
- Courthope, W. J. A History of English Poetry, vol.
V. 1905. - —— Life in Poetry: Law in Taste, chap.
VIII. 1901. - De Quincey, Thomas. Pope. (In Encyclopaedia Britannica, ed. 7.) The Poetry of Pope. Lord Carlisle on Pope. All these are included in De Quincey’s collected works, ed. Masson, David, vols.
IV andXI, 1888–90. - Deetz, Albrecht. Alexander Pope. Ein Beitrag zur Literaturgeschichte des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts, nebst Proben Pope’scher Dichtungen. Leipzig, 1876.
- Dennis, J. Studies in English Literature. 1883.
- —— The Age of Pope. 1906.
- Dobson, A. Dialogue to the Memory of Mr. Alexander Pope. Collected Poems, 1897 (p. 301).
- Elton, O. The Augustan Ages. Edinburgh, 1899.
- English Poetry from Dryden to Cowper. The Quarterly Review. July, 1862.
- Hazlitt, William. Dryden and Pope. Lectures on the English Poets. 1818. Collected Works. Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, Arnold, 1902–6. (Vol.
V, pp. 68–85.) - Leather, Mary S. Pope as a student of Milton. Englische Studien, vol.
XXV, pp. 398–410. Leipzig, 1898. - Lessing, G. E. Pope ein Metaphysiker! Danzig, 1755. Sämmtliche Schriften (Lachmann, K. and Maltzahn, W. von), vol.
V, pp. 1–35. Leipzig, 1853–7. - Lloyd, Charles [Lamb’s friend]. Poetical Essays on the Character of Pope. 1821.
- Lochner, Ludwig. Pope’s literarische Bezihungen zu seinen Zeitgenossen. Leipzig, 1910.
- Lowell, J. R. Pope. My Study Windows. 1871.
- Maack, R. Über Popes Einfluss auf die Idylle und das Lehrgedicht in Deutschland. Hamburg, 1895.
- McLean, L. Mary. The riming system of Alexander Pope. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, vol.
VI, pp. 134–58. Baltimore, 1891. - Mead, W. E. The Versification of Pope in its relation to the 17th century. Leipzig, 1889. (Diss.)
- Minto, William. Pope. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edn,
XXII (1911). [By Minto, W. and Bryant, Margaret.] - Montégut, Émile. Pope. Heures de Lecture d’un Critique: Revue des Deux Mondes. Paris, 1888. Rptd., 1891.
- Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Notice of Taine’s Histoire de la Littérature anglaise. Nouveaux Lundis, vol.
VIII. - Saintsbury, G. A History of English Prosody, vol
II. 1908. - Stephen, Sir Leslie. Pope as a Moralist. The Cornhill Magazine. 1873. Rptd. in Hours in a Library, vol. 1, 1874.
- Taine, H. A. Histoire de la Littérature anglaise. 8th edn. Paris, 1892.
- Thomas, W. J. Bibliography of the literature connected with Pope and his quarrels. Notes and Queries, ser.
V, vol.XII. - Traill, H. D. Pope. Chambers’s Encyclopaedia, vol.
VIII. 1908. - Vater, P. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Dichters und des Philosophen. Halle, 1897. (Diss.)
- Wakefield, Gilbert. Observations on Pope. 1796.
- Warton, Joseph. An Essay on the genius and writings of Pope. Vol. 1, 1756; vol.
II, 1782. - Weiser, C. S. Pope’s Einfluss auf Byron’s Jugenddichtungen. In Anglia, vol. 1. Halle, 1878.
- Wordsworth, William. Preface and Appendix to Lyrical Ballads. 1798.
- B. On Particular Works or Points
- Arnold, Matthew. On translating Homer. 1861. [Especially Lecture 1.]
- Bobertag, F. Zu Popes Essay on Criticism. Englische Studien, vol.
III, pp. 43–91. Heilbronn, 1880. - —— Zu Pope’s Rape of the Lock. Englische Studien, vol. 1, pp. 456–80; vol.
II, 204–22. Heilbronn, 1877 and 1879. - —— A. Pope’s Verhältnis zur Aufklärung des 18 Jahrhunderts. Englische Studien. 1901. [Especially for references to the Essay on Man.]
- Lounsbury, Thomas R. The first editors of Shakespeare (Pope and Theobald). 1906.
- Mayor, Joseph B. Review of Pattison’s ed. of the Essay on Man. Contemporary Review, vol.
XIV, pp. 115–24. April, 1870. - Petzet, Erich. Die deutschen Nachahmungen des Popeschen ‘Lockenraubes.’ Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des komischen Epos in Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Litteraturgeschichte und Renaissance-Litterature. N. F. vol.
IV, pp. 409–33. Berlin, 1891. - Schade, A. Über das Verhältnis von Pope’s January and May und The Wife of Bath, her Prologue zu den entsprechenden Abschnitten von Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Englische Studien, vol.
XXV, 1897, and vol.XXVI, 1899. - Schenk, Theodor. Sir Samuel Garth und seine Stellung zum komischen Epos. Heidelberg, 1900.
- Thomas, W. J. Notes on Editions of the Dunciad. n.d. Rptd. from Notes and Queries, ser. 1, vols.
X andXII. - C. The Bowles and Byron Controversy
- Bowles, William Lisle. Edition and Memoir of Pope. 10 vols. 1806.
- —— The invariable Principles of Poetry: in a letter addressed to Thomas Campbell; occasioned by some critical observations in his specimens of British Poets, particularly relating to the poetical character of Pope. Bath, 1819.
- —— A Reply to the charges brought by the Reviewer of Spence’s Anecdotes in the Quarterly Review for Oct. 1820 against the last ed. of Pope’s works. The Pamphleteer, vol.
XVII. - —— Two letters to the Rt. Hon. Lord Byron, in answer to his lordship’s letter to ***** ***** on the Rev. Wm. L. Bowles’s Strictures on the life and writings of Pope: more particularly on the question, whether poetry be more immediately indebted to what is sublime or beautiful in the works of nature, or the works of art. 1821.
- —— A Final Appeal to the Literary Public, relative to Pope, in reply to certain observations of Mr. Roscoe in his edition of the Poet’s Works. 1825.
- —— Lessons in Criticism to W. Roscoe Esq. in answer to his letter to the Rev. W. L. Bowles on the character and poetry of Pope. 1826.
- Byron, Lord. Letter to ***** ***** [John Murray] on the Rev. W. L. Bowles’s strictures on the Life and Writings of Pope. 1821. [A second letter was not published till 1835.] See Appendix
III in vol.V of Prothero, R. E.’s edition of Byron’s Letters and Journals. - Campbell, Thomas, Specimens of the British Poets; with Biographical and critical Notices, and an Essay on English Poetry. 7 vols. 1819. The Essay and Notices were rptd. in 1848. (As to Pope, see especially pp. 109–17.)
- Casson, T. E. W. L. Bowles in Eighteenth Century Literature, in An Oxford Miscellany, Oxford, 1909.
- Gilchrist, Octavius Graham. Letter to the Rev. William Lisle Bowles. Stamford, 1820.
- Hazlitt, William. Pope, Lord Byron, and Mr. Bowles. The London Magazine. June, 1821. Collected Works, ed. Waller, A. R. and Glover, Arnold, vol.
XI, pp. 486–508. 1902–6.