Chapter Twenty-One Summary

Not everyone felt as strongly against the white man as Okonkwo did. They considered his religion lunacy but were grateful for his trade store. Many people did not see Christianity as totally illogical either, which was due to the efforts of Mr Brown—a white missionary and his dealing of Enoch, a new convert who was the son of a priest. Mr Brown had empathy and was kind to everyone; hence, he began to be liked by non-Christian clansmen too.

He would discuss religion for hours at end, with the most important men of the clan and these would be cordial, polite, and intellectual meetings. Mr Brown realized that tribal religion was not primitive and, hence, he built a school and a hospital first. He begged families to send their children to school and soon, he had students of all ages. From the start, religion and education went hand in hand.

The season that Okonkwo returned to Umuofia was when Mr Brown had left on account of poor health. He had met Okonkwo and had even sent Nwoye, now known as Isaac, to a college for training.

The advent of English religion and trade took the excitement out of Okonkwo’s return to Umuofia and whilst people showed great interest in his daughter, Okonkwo was not given the importance of a warrior’s return, which perturbed him greatly.

Chapter Twenty-One Analysis

Umuofia’s attitude toward the church and school is one of acceptance. Mr Brown understands that caution and a peaceful approach would win over the tribe and he succeeds. The school, the trading shop, and the hospital attract more people as the tribe now has access to education, money, and better healthcare. This chapter also shows that as the next generation progresses toward modernity, they have little time or respect for old customs and ancestral traditions.

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