
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Crystal Sluss Psychology 231 March 7, 2015 Abstract Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a developmental disorder. ADHD is a difficult obstacle to overcome, but is not impossible. Many people are diagnosed with this disorder every day. It affects more than three percent of American children. Common symptoms include Inattention, Hyperactivity, and Impulsivity. The causes are not completely clear, there have many things that have been linked to the disorder. There are many treatments that help deal with everyday activities with ADHD such as counseling, medication, diet and exercise plans. Children with ADHD need our advocacy, they need encouragement, structure, as well as certain …show more content…

Raising children with ADHD, can be very challenging for parents and the child involved. Three to five percent of all American are affected by ADHD, more often it is boys than girls. Even though the cause is not clear, there are many disorders that do not have underlying diseases. Researchers say that genetics may have a factor but as well as environmental factors can contribute to it. Summary ADD and ADHD are both labels that describes symptoms. Some symptoms may include: • Often fidgets with hands and feet or squirms in seat • Difficulty remaining in seat when required to do so • Easily distracted, doesn’t listen to what is being said to them. • Difficulty waiting to take turns, playing quietly, • Often blurts out answers, following instruction, and completing task (Jaquith, 1996) Children may display some or all, but not limited to the symptoms listed above. Developmental problems that may occur can be identified, addressed and often eliminated. (Jaquith, 1996) ADHD is a major public health concern, around 5 million children and adults were diagnosed with the disorder by the end of the 20th century. (National Institutes of Health, 2000) ADHD is associated with personality disorders which are not diagnosed in children because their personality is not fully formed until adolescence. ADHD is considered an antisocial personality disorder. (Bain, 1991 p30) Diagnosing ADD or ADHD consist of many test and evaluations. No test exist

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