
English 101 Reflective Essay

Decent Essays

English 101 has been such an adventure. I know that sounds corny, but I just couldn’t help myself. When I decided to do a short-term English class, I thought it would be fun and challenging; My expectations were correct. As I write this reflection, I look back on the topics and assignments that existed in this short period of time from post 1 to the multi-modal project. I will list the challenges I experienced which creating the creative project, what I learned from the beginning of class to the end, and what I need to work on in the future. This English adventure started on post 1 and 2 and ended at the multi-modal project. When I first did post 1 and 2 ,I was excited because we were incorporating fallacies to our discussions. I previously learned more about fallacies and ethos, pathos, and logos from a previous communications course and I appreciated the review. I found that it was challenging to respond properly to posts created by other classmates. My initial response was always to support each and every classmate by telling them that they did an awesome job. I had trouble analyzing their work without agreeing with every claim. The multi model project brought tears to my eyes and I do not mean tears of joy. At first I loved my ideas and was excited about the outcome, but my stress and nervousness …show more content…

For some reason, transitions are the hardest aspect of writing a paper. I will try my best to practice writing the best transitions. My summaries have been unnecessarily lengthy because get excited about my writing or the topics I write about. I felt so bad for Professor Granillo because my second essay has a summary that was a page long. She must have been so annoyed, but I thought I was giving her the proper information. I just need to remember that the bulk of the information goes in the following body paragraphs. I have some things to work on, but feel comfortable with my growth as a student and a

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