
English 102 Reflective Essay

Decent Essays

By taking English 102, it has given me skills to help become a college level writer. It is important to become a college level writer so that it better prepares me for future college courses. College level writing is going to be extremely important for me especially, as I go into law school, and hoping to be a future lawyer. During this course, I have learned how to better incorporate research and evidence into my essays, whether that be to help prove a point or to just provide general background knowledge on an issue. English 102 has helped prepare me as well on helping me become a better writer, by helping me understand what a good source is to use and how to apply these aspects of research without showing bias, but simply stating the facts. Through …show more content…

It becomes obvious I have not completely mastered college level when my instructor, Deborah Schwartz, points out multiple mistakes when she mentions how I did not properly provide a database in module 4 for one of my citations. This evidence proves that I am still making mistakes in my citations, and in this incident I did not know that the database provided was unacceptable. In my module 4 final paper my instructor points out a basic mistake made on my works cited, when she mentions how I need to have my citations in alphabetical order. From this paraphrase, I can imply that I still am even messing up the basic aspects of a work cited page, which is why this is an issue that I need to keep working on to master throughout my collegiate career. From this same paper, my module 4 final draft, my instructor discusses how for my works cited I need to have a one-inch margin, which on this particular works cited page I failed to do so. This proof provided shows that I still have to keep focusing on mastering the basics of a works cited before I can move any further onto correcting my

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