
Examples Of Grit In Happyness

Decent Essays

How many people in the world are truly successful? Does the way people view themselves affect how successful they are, or how they behave when put against a challenge? Success must involve grit which is one’s ability to persevere against anything and to accept a challenge even if they are not successful the first time. Success and grit tie in with each other. Chris Gardner was good example of grit and by showing how it helps on becoming a successful person. Chris Gardner showed grit in the movie “Happyness” through the actions he took to support his family. In the movie, it is shown Chris had to face homelessness with his young son. Instead of giving up or accepting his fate, Chris was determined to get a job that makes him financially stable or can at least afford a motel. After persisting with the man in charge for weeks, he was able to get the internship. Many more obstacles kept appearing in his path, but he did not let them stop him. He always found a way …show more content…

This is significant because grit means people can face a challenge with at least trying to solve it. Studies show parents who complement a child’s hard work versus their intelligence are more likely to try harder with a challenge rather than give up or feel discouraged. The article by Jonah Lehrer states “Parents, of course, have a big role to play as well, since there’s evidence that even offhand comments - such as how a child is praised - can significantly influence the manner in which kids respond to challenges”. Grit is important to pass down to children because it will lead them to become successful people. Schools, are now trying to find a way to implement grit into the students. This can be done by having challenge problems the students need to solve, but not to discourage them if they cannot solve it, but make sure they at least tried to solve the problem. Success can be reached with some defeat and it is fine to not succeed the first

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