
A Critical Analysis Of Grit By Angela Duckworth

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Throughout Grit, Angela Duckworth argues that grit is the single most important factor in determining success of an individual. She splits the argument into three parts: the concept of grit and why it matters, the proper use and understanding of the goal hierarchy, and how an individual can develop grit. Duckworth’s argument is important because it replaces the traditional viewpoint of success being determined by talent to one which sees success as a result of passion and perseverance. The first major topic addressed in Grit is the concept of grit itself and why it matters. Duckworth defines grit as passion and perseverance for long-term goals (54). She labels these gritty people “grit paragons,” noting that they aren’t the kind of …show more content…

Duckworth proposes that there are two ways of developing grit: from the inside-out (alone) and from the outside-in (with help). For developing grit from the inside-out, she addresses the subjects of interest, practice, purpose, and hope (91-2). For interest, she stresses that passion isn’t developed quickly, but over a long period of time through the processes of discovery, development, and a lifetime of deepening (102-4, 153). For practice, she emphasizes the importance of consistent deliberate practice, emphasizing quality of time spent practicing over quantity of time, which includes setting “stretch goals” slightly beyond current abilities (118, 121-3, 126). For purpose, Duckworth again defines and stresses the importance of purposeful top-level goals (143-4, 147-8, 160). She defines hope as a combination of relentless perseverance and optimism -- always continuing after failure and believing in oneself (169, 173, 175, 178, 180, 193-5). For developing grit from the outside-in, she stresses the importance of parenting, extracurriculars and culture. For parenting, she notes that all grit paragons have someone in their lives who challenged them to achieve beyond their limits while providing support (212, 220). For extracurriculars, she noted a direct relationship between perseverance in an activity and grittiness later in life, arguing that these activities both require and build grit (223-6, 228-241). For culture, she noted that people conform culture, so joining a gritty culture makes it easy to develop grit (244, 247, 263). The concept of culture in Grit connects to the concepts of social capital, and the multiplier effect because the relationships made between individuals within a gritty culture can mutually spur development of grit. The perseverance and hard work required by daily deliberate practice connects to the long, arduous hours worked by managers every day. Deliberate

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