
Performance Management Project Assessment One

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Performance management project
Submission details Candidate’s Name | Ellen Palmer | Phone No. | 0438463239 | Assessor’s Name | n/a | Phone No. | n/a | Assessment Site | Manage People Performance Assignment One | Assessment Date/s | Completed Unit Due 28 March 2014 | Time/s | |
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
The objective of this assessment is to enable you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of performance management systems within legislative and …show more content…

5. Prepare role-play notes to plan the topics you will discuss and outcomes you hope to achieve, these will assist you to keep the role-play meeting on track. Submit these with your documentation. 6. Conduct two one-on-one coaching role-plays (one with you as the Manager, one as your partner’s Employee). The Assessor will observe this role-play and examine the documentation (the completed Appendices plus notes) that you will submit for assessment on completion. Role-playsAs the Manager, you have set up the first one-on-one meeting. In addition to discussing the program you have outlined on the Performance Management Plan (Appendix 3), you will also: a. Resolve the issue outlined in the Employee profiles and conduct a coaching session to assist the Employee address the issue. b. Discuss KPI results generated from their team. c. Discuss Individual reports on progress and take time to chat with your Employee informally to get feedback on problems they are facing. You also use this meeting to emphasise the concept of team achievement. d. Complete the Performance Development Plan (Appendix 4) on the basis of the outcomes of the one-on-one session and sign-in agreement. e. Complete performance review notes to place in the Employee’s file. | 7. Complete file notes from the one-on-one coaching session to be placed in the Employee’s file. 8. Following the role-play, the Employee participant is to complete the Coaching Session 1 – Observer’s

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