
Rhetorical Analysis On Malala Yousafzai

Decent Essays

Oratorical Analysis
Malala Yousafzai is a young woman speaking as a young education advocate at the Youth Takeover of the United Nations. This was her first speech since she had been shot in the head by the Taliban in Pakistan on October 9th, 2012. The Taliban targeted her because she was blogging about her own right, and the right of all women, to an education. Her purpose is to inform the people of the denial of education to children around the world. She is also trying to persuade her audiences to join her campaign in ensuring all children gain their right to education before the end of 2015. Her primary audience was all of the delegates who attended the Youth Takeover of the United Nations, and all the people fighting for education. Her …show more content…

She is speaking for all the boys and girls who do not have a voice. She says that the Taliban are afraid of education and the voice of women, so they are killing many teachers and students. She appeals to ethos when she repeats the term “brothers and sisters”. This causes the audience to feel united and to remember that Yousafzai is representing her fellow youth from around the world. She emphasizes that she is fighting with peace and compassion, not hate. She uses allusions by referring to authoritative figures, such as Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela, who also fought peacefully to achieve their goals. She wants the audience to understand that she is just one of many women fighting for their education. She appeals to ethos and uses supporting evidence when she quotes her classmate who was asked by a journalist why the Taliban is against education. The classmate pointed to his textbook and answered, “The Taliban does not know what is written inside this book”. She also uses appropriate pauses and strong language in order establish her credibility. The speech is structured by Monroe’s motivated sequence. She starts off by speaking about her story to get …show more content…

Women Goodwill Ambassador. She is speaking about the problem of gender equality and unequal pay for men and women doing the same work. Her purpose is to demonstrate to the audience that the problem affects both men and women. She is fighting for women’s rights, but also trying to persuade men and boys to step up and help the women fight by joining her campaign, HeforShe. Her primary audience is all the delegates and guests who listened to her speech at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, and her secondary audience is men and boys all over the world. She appeals to ethos when she speaks about her own personal experiences with gender based assumptions from ages eight to eighteen in. She says her girlfriends dropped out of their sport teams in order to not appear so masculine. She appeals to pathos when gives the statistics on men’s suicide in the UK in order to tell men that gender equality is their problem as well. She is saying men also fear asking for help because they fear that they will appear un-manly. Watson’s speech is also structured by Monroe’s motivated sequence. She starts off her speech by speaking about her campaign and talking about how her experiences at different ages caused her to become a feminist in order to get the audience’s attention. She then tells the men and boys that gender equality is their issue too. This causes them to understand the need for change. She then formally invites them to help

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