
Study Guide

Decent Essays

Study guide for Microbiology Chapter 2

1. List and describe the sequence steps routinely used to identify bacteria. These are referred to as the “five I’s” in your text.

2. Define / describe each of the following as they apply to microbiology: a. Culture f. pure culture b. Inoculum g. contaminated culture c. Inoculation h. mixed culture d. Colony

3. Microbiologists employee a number of approached to acquiring a pure culture from a from sample containing a number of different types of bacteria. Briefly describe three different procedures commonly used to secure pure cultures from a mixed culture. The use of simple labeled diagrams may be quite helpful.

4. …show more content…

Distinguish between the resolving power and magnifying power of a microscope lens system. a. resolving power:

b. magnifying power:

8. In addition to bright field microscopy list two other variations on the optical microscope. a. b.

9. Why is it necessary to use immersion oil when using the 1000X objective lens to observe a specimen?

10. Complete the following table of units of measure commonly used in microbiology.

|Unit |Abbreviation |Exponential Value |
|1 centimeter |cm | |
| |mm |10-3 |

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