
Two Examples Of Grit In Wes Moore

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Intrinsic motivation connects to grit because they share the same idea of being stimulated, which Wes Moore shows grit because of his tenacity for the long and short goals of his perseverance in the military as well as government work. Grit is the component of intrinsic motivation thus churning into success for instance Wes Moore did so by using it in the military. Grit by Angela Duckworth, is a trait demonstrated to be successful.“Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality. Grit is living life like it's a marathon, not a sprint.” (TED …show more content…

Moore talk as about going to the south while being on the domestic policy tour. The group he is with, ends up visiting fourth graders where the hurricane struck them leaving them devastated and now in poverty. Another example of grit in this context is, “...every day people in all kinds of circumstances all over the world get up and find a way to do them” (Moore 118). The head of the group Jason Dean said to the kids that they were heroes, and it in turn were inspired the kids. He also was impacted by the Ninth Ward “the destruction I saw in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans matches what I’d seen in Afghanistan, blow for blow” (Moore 119). The destruction and poverty captivated his motivation, to help give a better life for the people in need and to be successful in helping them. He also was impacted by the Ninth Ward “the destruction I saw in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans matches what I’d seen in Afghanistan, blow for blow” (Moore 119). The destruction and poverty captivated his motivation, to help give a better life for the people in need and to be successful in helping …show more content…

But taking opportunities clearly wasn’t enough. I needed something more” (Moore 45). Even though Moore disliked being in finance, he still had the tenacity to pull forth and complete his job. He talks about a lady he knew in his time in The White House, she had grit in her work because it was ever changing so she had to be flexible, “She had seen multiple administrations from both parties come in thinking they could change an entire structure in a year they always ended up becoming frustrated and disgruntled in months” (Moore 106) The link between grit and having the stamina to keep going because he understood that the workers in the other parties would not fully comprehend the extensiveness of the task so they could not excel in their work. Moore converses about how he has different roles in in life that he does not have uncertainty about any longer, and that he does not have to impress people anymore“I know longer feel the desire to force an answer simply to placate the interest of others” (Moore 195) thus pertaining to how he has purpose in his roles now as well as gaining grit and passion later on in life. Moore prattling on about wanting to have an interesting life, and have a full body life, that he’s not searching for just one concept but many. “I want to live a life that matters”

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