
Unit 8 - Cm107 College Composition I

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A New Kind of Office for the New Generation Jennifer Osborne Kaplan University A New Kind of Office for the New Generation For the longest time, office jobs consisted of the same old thing. Employees would get up, get ready, sit in traffic, go into work, punch in, and sit in their cubicle or office until the day ended and went home to get ready to start the process all over again. Now, things are starting to change the offices that we have been accustomed to. As technology grows and expands so does the environment in which we use it. In regards to technology and the office, the two have begun to merge to one. Companies, the existing and the future, are choosing a virtual based type of business. Most, if not all, of the company is …show more content…

Many of the most popular are used by business employers to talk to each other and to employees. Skype for Business helps connect employers and employees through video chat. This way if the employee needs a visual explanation or example of what is needed to complete, the employer can show them using this program. Google Drive is a popular program that can send files amongst each other using interactive documents. Google drive is much like doc sharing and the Cloud, they allow access to these files from any computer or phone that is logged into the same account. UberConference is another well-known tool companies use. This program records a meeting held by the employer and archives it for people who may have missed the actual, live meeting. A common issue found by telecommuters around the world is the difficulty to find an appropriate time suitable for two completely different time zones. Luckily, with help from programs like UberConference, archives do help but also add to the distance in personal participation normally felt in person during an in-room meeting. Virtual-based business have great benefits but can have downfalls as well. Even though it would seemingly cost less money, the headache in communication would weigh out the same. In a regular office, everyone is right there in the same building. Meetings held in person are more engaging and easier to understand. Even though there are many

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