
Food Inc Summary

Decent Essays

I watched the documentary Food Inc. I have actually watched this movie before so it was more of a review for me. I am going into the food industry as a career so I was highly interested in this video. Especially since it is so disturbing how mass produced food is handled these days. The mistreatment of the animals to the vegetable distribution. Oh and then the grossest part of all, the E. coli in the cows. Then how if the cows were just to go back to a grass diet it would reduce the E. coli in the cows up to 90%. While watching the documentary I found that within it there was a monopoly possibility, supply and demand, and externalities. Through the whole documentary there is the precedence of greedy corporate companies trying to get the most money out of the least …show more content…

There are only a few of the larger companies that mass produce in the food market. For example, in the documentary they had an example of a beef supplier who was at the top. They asked a man if they were the largest distributor and they said yes because they are close to beating their small competitors. The smaller competitors stand no chance of competing against such a powerful larger company. The profits made from being so sneaky with their supply and demand they gain an enormous amount of profits which results in a greater control of the global supply of food source distribution. This gives them the control to sell their products at any price they want or limit the amount they sell to consumers. This is by definition a monopoly, an exclusive control during trade. The way they deal with their food is completely wrong and by the larger companies being the only supplier of the food makes me fear for the future. There needs to be more regulations to businesses to ensure proper treating of products, this could then promote more businesses that provide organic or non hormone treated

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