
Student Loans Should Be Forgiven

Better Essays

Student Loans Should Be Forgiven
Most students do not make enough money to be able to pay for college debt free. In addition, most families don’t make enough money to pay for the college costs upfront. For this reason, students have been borrowing money from private loans to be able to attend a college/university. Although the government might give several students, who apply, money to pay for books and housing, it does not cover the total cost to attend college and obtain a degree. This might not be encouraging for students who wish to receive an education but do not want to owe money in the future. Loans have been scaring off students who wish to further their education and live their lives comfortably after college. If student loans were to be forgiven, graduates would not have to worry about owing a large amount of money.
Today, the number of people who have borrowed money to pay their expenses for college, has been rising. In addition, colleges have been increasing the amount charged on students who receive an education. An article states that “tuition is increasing at a rate double that of inflation”, for this reason, the amount of money a student has to pay back has been increasing (Webley). According to the article “Even if you don't have student loans, you should want them to be forgiven”, the author, Lisa Schmeiser, states that “Approximately 44 million people in the U.S. have borrowed for student loans... debt standing at approximately $1.3 trillion today”.

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