Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual FacultiesDivision (II) Communication of Ideas
Section II. Modes of Communication
543. Veracity.
NOUN:VERACITY; truthfulness, frankness &c. adj.; truth, soothfastness [archaic], sooth [archaic], veridicality, sincerity, candor, honesty, fidelity; plain dealing, bona fides [L.]; love of truth; probity [See Probity]; ingenuousness (artlessness) [See Artlessness].the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth; honest -, unvarnished -, sober- truth (fact) [See Truth]; unvarnished tale; light of truth.
VERB:SPEAK THE TRUTH, tell the truth; speak on oath; speak without -equivocation, – mental reservation; speak by the card; paint in its -, show oneself in one’s- true colors; make a clean breast (disclose) [See Disclosure]; speak one’s mind (be blunt) [See Artlessness]; not lie [See Falsehood], not deceive [See Deception].
ADJECTIVE:TRUTHFUL, true; veracious, veridical; scrupulous (honorable) [See Probity]; sincere, candid, frank, open, straightforward, unreserved; open-, frank-, true-, simple- hearted; soothfast [archaic], truth-telling, honest, trustworthy; undissembling &c. (dissemble [See Falsehood]); guileless, pure; truth-loving; unperjured; true-blue, as good as one’s word; one’s word one’s bond; unaffected, unfeigned, bonâ fide [L.]; outspoken, ingenuous (artless) [See Artlessness]; undisguised (real) [See Truth].
ADVERB:TRULY (really) [See Truth]; in plain words [See Artlessness]; in -, with -, of a -, in good- truth; as the dial to the sun, as the needle to the pole; honor bright [colloq.]; troth; in good -sooth, – earnest; soothfast [archaic], unfeignedly, with no nonsense, in sooth, sooth to say, bonâ fide [L.], in foro conscientiæ [L.]; without equivocation; cartes sur table [F.], from the bottom of one’s heart; by my troth (affirmation) [See Affirmation].
- Di il vero e affronterai il diavolo.
- Dichtung und Wahrheit.
- Esto quod esse videris.
- Magna est veritas et prævalet.
- That golden key that opes the palace of eternity.—Milton
- Veritas odium parit.
- Veritatis simplex oratio est.
- Verité sans peur.