
Argumentative Essay On Anxiety

Decent Essays

"Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy." (www.healthy Many people have trouble accomplishing what they want to do in life because of health issues. A main health issue people suffer from is anxiety. There are different types of anxiety disorders you can have. Each one of them hold you back from doing what you want to succeed in life and may even cause you to make bad choices. Anxiety is losing yourself from reality and being disconnected from the present moment,other people, and yourself. It can keep you from doing things you want to accomplish in life. Achieving your goals is tough enough, but if you suffer from anxiety it becomes even more difficult. I was spending every day worried about how …show more content…

After talking about how anxiety can keep you from accomplishing life goals and how its a big health issue, here are the different types of anxiety. Some people can say all they have is anxiety but they all dont have the same disorder. There are many different types you can have. There is generalized anxiety, phobias, social anxiety, obsessive compulsive, and panic disorder. Anxiety — part of the body's natural reaction to stress — can even be helpful at times, making you more alert and ready for action. But anxiety disorders differ from normal feelings of anxiousness. When feelings of fear or nervousness become excessive, difficult to control, or interfere with daily life, it's called an anxiety disorder. ( . This evidence relates to the types of anxiety because it is telling how anxiety can make you feel and act. Some people may say that anxiety isn't the main cause of people not wanting to accomplish things or why they have bad health issues. They say it could also be depression or how they are living their life outside of the public. That may be the cause but I personally have an anxiety disorder and it is keeping me from doing thing I always talk about doing but of course I never end up doing it because of my disorder. It causes problems with your mind and body

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