
Attention Defecit Hypeactive Disorder

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ADHD is a chemical imbalance, that is characterized by hyperactivity, inability to focus, and impulsivity. The disorder is more prevalent in boys than girls, also there are secondary issues that go along with this diagnosis. Depression anxiety, and some learning disorders are to name a few. As researchers have shown, the consistent characteristics are “Inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity and distractibility which typically manifest as a loss of self-control, poor self- regulation and a deficit in inhibitory control. The condition is also associated with several secondary problems including mental health difficulties such as anxiety and depression, and conduct and learning disorders” (Jackson 2725). Testing for ADHD for a child is a long, difficult, and frustrating process. The caregivers go through a battery of questionnaires, insurance hurdles, and serious behavior battles. ADHD is becoming more recognized as a legitimate issue and testing of treatments have gone underway, but do vary from physician to physician. Research shows that “ There is a growing professional acknowledgment that ADHD is a neurophysiologically based self-control disorder, However, the diagnostic and treatment approaches are controversial and vary considerably across professionals” (Magyary 554). There is a plethora of information about ADHD, and the treatments available. Studies agree that it is a fast growing epidemic, that has received the most funding for research for psychiatric

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