
Personal Narrative: Race Inequality

Decent Essays

I am a 17 year old Hispanic female who was born in Denver, Co. I now live in the northern part of Denver. I attend an Apostolic church and participate in many of their activities.
I come from a big extended family compared to your typical family. I have 14 aunts and uncles. In my immediate family, I am the middle child. I have an older sister who is is 21 and is a junior in college. My brother is 15 and a freshman in high school at Global Leadership Academy. I am currently a junior at the same high school.
Both of my parents are from Mexico. About 30 years ago, they came to the United States for a better life, following the American Dream. They have sacrificed so much for me. My parents, especially my dad has become my inspiration. My mom …show more content…

I have the best grades. I am actually number two in my class. I try my hardest at school because it is the only way I can repay my parents. I want to go to college and become a physical therapist. My goal in life is to be in a good economic place. Race inequality is something that I have experienced many times. As a Hispanic woman, I have faced some challenges. I have been discriminated against many times. Most of the time it has been by whites. I cannot go to fancy places without them giving me a dirty look. Since I am Hispanic, people label me as a beaner, a criminal, and a “dirty” …show more content…

Physical traits such as skin color and social implications determine what race you are. It is a way to identify yourself to others. Inequality comes when it comes to power and struggles. A race will always be superior to another. In this case whites are the race that is superior. They are the largest racial group. Slavery shows how whites have always been superior with power. They treated blacks as if they were nothing. Treated them less than humans. They used slaves for their own profit not wanting to realize they were human too. Someone’s ethnicity and race shape who that person is. You are either White, Latino, Hispanic, African American, Asian, Jew, etc and depending on what race you are, you are going to be treated and profiled

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