
Spartan Education Dbq Research Paper

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Spartans were very strict and set high expectations for their men in war. Taken from their families at the young age of 7 to train, the boys were whipped and starved. Spartans also enslaved people, called helots. The innocent helots were killed without warning. Spartans were so focused on military training, they did not focus on education.

To begin with, Spartans were abusive to their children.
On Document D it says, “The boys of sparta were lashed with whips during the entire day at the altar of Artemis Orthia. Frequently to the point of death.” The boys weren't allowed to eat either. They were starved and given a very minimal amount of food. They were encouraged to steal food to satisfy their hunger. But if they were caught while doing so, they were whipped. They also gave the boys one garment a year, and they …show more content…

They did not feel the need to learn. Also, they did not allow outside sources either, and were behind on education. They weren't allowed to attend comedy or tragedy, to hear people speak against the law as well. This is what weakened their society by a plethora.
Lastly, the spartans killed innocent people. In document C it says, “By day they scattered into obscure places, where they hid themselves and kept quiet; but by night, they descended upon the highways and slaughter any helots they caught.” The spartans killed helots, or slaves, without care. Yes some helots sent threats to the spartans to rebell against them, but without finding the ones who did they miscellaneously killed innocent helots. They also killed some of the best and strongest helots. The Spartans were very cruel to the helots, and so many more

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