
Why Is It Important To Communicate With Other Children

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Part A - The importance of identifying a problem is of great importance a child that may not be able to talk,hear or even write properly can stop them in moving forward with their work, this can make them fall behind and then impact on there life even more, they may Struggling to be independent have a Sense of isolation as others may not be in this position start to becoming withdrawn and Lack of motivation. They may even start having behavior problems.
Finding this early isnt about helping the school but helping the child, they may have a special one on one to help them in the time of need to keep up with their class. Late detection of speech and language communication could affect how children communicate with other children and their development overall. Late detection of this could mean that the child will not reach their full potential. Children may try and communicate a different way like rubbing their tummy to mean they are …show more content…

Adults can play alongside them to encourage them with their speech. Acting out and saying words that the child may copy. Books are a great way to help , they can choose a favorite book and read it together if a child sees the words and hears them a few times they may start saying these words. Nursery rhymes, songs and musical instruments are also good way to communicate. This can encourages children to listen, sing and also communicate in all different ways, this can be through using their hands to start off with and singing or even dancing, Chalk is a fun way, try drawing small pictures or writing small words on the playground for them to copy or getting them to write in sand is a great way too if you get a child that's struggling learning by a fun way is a great way that way they seem less flustered and stressed and more calm to try and learn when maybe they don't think they

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