
Character Analysis Of Antigone

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In the impressive play, Sophocles Antigone, translated by Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald, the character that tends to receive more attention is Antigone the one who was willing to die for her brother. Although most people may see Antigone as the strong one, Ismene is the actual strong character in the play because she is able to stay loyal to her state and leader in spite of her own sister asking her to disobey the law. Antigone may be looked upon as the strong one but there is more to being strong than just fighting. A strong person is also a person that goes against the willingness of doing something because it's the "right thing" to do. Ismene is the strong minded character in the play as she says no to going with her sister to bury their brother together with honor. Fighting with your words is greater than fighting with your actions. Ismene stood up to Antigone said that she would not go through with the burial of her brother, because of what she believed wa right. She did not let anyone tell her what she believes is wrong and that takes courage. In the play Antigone is the one to be outgoing and rebellious in away whereas Ismene, is more rebellious by not going with Antigone and instead being more reserved and strong-willed about what she believes is right. By Ismene not going with Antigone to bury their brother she gives the audience a stronger feeling, like a feeling that you don't always have to do what everyone else does to prove your strong. By not following others doesn't mean you have less courage, it just means you're able to stand up for what you believe and by what your morals are. Ismene says “They mean a great deal to me; but I have no strength to break laws that were made for the public good”. This quotes here is from Antigone trying to convince Ismene to come join her as she goes to bury her brother, defying the law. Breaking the law is also a crime, and Antigone's crime is that she is going to bury her brother even after being told that, that's unacceptable. In this case Ismene the higher hand over Antigone because she was able to say no and now it's up to Antigone and what she wants to do. Being able to stay silent in a time where people are counting on you to do the

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