
Sparta Dbq Analysis

Decent Essays

Any civilization who is uneducated will fall before it can grow. Sparta was a city-state back in the time of ancient Greece. They valued military strength over everything else. They were so focused on military strength that the children they trained were abused. For example, the boys were given a small ration of food, therefore being encouraged to steal. If they were caught, they were whipped for being “bad stealers”. No person should be treated like this, especially children. Sparta’s strengths did not outweigh their weaknesses because they lacked education, were abusive, and they took boys away from their families at age 7 for intensive military training.
To begin with, Spartans had little to no education taught to any of its people. In Document D, the text states that “Spartans learned to read and write for purely practical reasons.” This caused the Spartans to be poorly educated. They were not allowed any other forms of education other than reading or writing. Spartans were also not allowed to read. This will not allow Sparta to grow and …show more content…

They abused not only the helots, but their own children. In Document D, the text states that “the boys of Sparta were whipped during the entire day, frequently to the point of death”. This is called the flagellation. It is a competition to see who can withstand being whipped the longest, and many boys died in the process. This is absolutely terrible. They were killing their own soldiers just because they want to see who can withstand pain longer. Not only that, but the boys were given very small rations of food and therefore were encouraged to steal. If they were caught, they were whipped for being “bad stealers”. Not only did they abuse their children, but they abused the helots as well. The helots had to do all of the dirty work in Sparta. They did not get any appreciation for all of the work they did. Not only that, but the Spartans had murder squads to kill innocent helots for no

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