
Are Athletes Overpaid

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I think that they can be overpaid but some are doing it for all the people who watch them do what they do and I think that is awesome. They should be awarded for their efforts but not that much money because other people need money as much as they do. I think that they need to use that money for charity instead of just keeping it and not spending it without having to worry about overspending with what they get. They need to get out more and buy new clothes instead of just wearing what they normally do. “Jimmy Connors plays two tennis matches and winds up with $850,000 and Muhammad Ali fights one bout and winds up with five million bucks. Me, I play one-hundred and ninety games and I’m overpaid!!!-Johnny Bench.” This is a quote from Johnny Bench, …show more content…

The reason is that they are role models for the little kids around the world and without them there would be any where else to get the satisfaction and motivation. Because of them, children work even harder for the future so they can,one day, be like them and make name.” They might have colleagues that help encourage them like their teammates on the sidelines. They also work their tails of just to entertain us and everyone in the world. People say they only do it for girls. I think they are playing for a different reason, not to get a girl. Now high school maybe do it for a girl they like, but not in college basketball. Some of the players are working for their kids futures. He has three kids, named Lebron James Jr.,Zhuri James, and Bryce Maximus James. His oldest son, Lebron James Jr., is already getting offers from colleges even though he is 12 years old. Michael Jordan was dubbed the nickname “Magic Jordan” One day after Magic …show more content…

People believe that we waste money on athletes. Some athletes like Vince Young is one of the ones that has a bad habit of spending a lot of money on junk. John Daly is a former professional golfer that spent over 12.5 million dollars in Las Vegas. He, along with other people, have spent millions of dollars on junk they wanted or didn’t need. I personally it is ridiculous that they earn that much money in one year. Michael Jordan spend and makes about 80 million dollars a year and spends it on houses,planes,and boats. I think that he needs to donate some money to some schools so the school of his choice can either rebuild or update or do more stuff for the kids. John Cena spends over six million dollars on his theme

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